We had a fun time incorporating playdough into our dinosaur theme today:
We started with making dinosaur figures in playdough:
And then we started to make our fossil dough:
Some instant coffee, flour, and salt...to be more precise, here's the recipe we used:
1 cup used coffee grounds
1/2 cup cold coffee.
1 cup flour
1/2 cup salt
Mix it together:
Roll it out and flatten it:
We then pressed in our dinosaurs:
And then put them in the oven for 30 minutes at about 215. While we waited, we played with "dinosaur bones" (popsicle sticks):
In no time our fossils were ready!
Monkey J showed them off:
He loved them!
And we had fun matching the dinosaur to its fossil:
Monkey A woke up from her nap and did a little painting with dinosaur bones:
The fossils were really neat; they had a great sensorial feel to them and they smelled so yummy, just like coffee! :)